Thursday, 10 April 2008

E-lottery Scam News

Quite important news today - it is rumoured that starting from May 1st it will be free to be an affiliate member of the lottery syndicate.
This means that you won't actually have to join the lottery syndicate to be able to make money from promoting it - making it sound even less likely to be a scam!

Hopefully this post again goes some way to prooving that the e-lottery is not a scam.


Blog Master said...

I'm a member and no the e-lottery is not a scam. It's simply an opportunity to either play the lottery free, or to make money from promoting the lottery. But the elottery is actually a genuine company

Norman Bright said...

e lottery is not any scam
football clubs would not entertain it, if it was.

Millionaireways said...

e-Lottery most certainly is not a scam! I've been with them over six years, and they have never once been late paying me commission. (I have had cheques 13 times a year from them for all that time!.

Latest news is that the Spanish Lottery super-draws are now available, bringing massive prizes.